The mission of Columbia Arts is to promote and provide an equity based, accessible, arts rich environment in the Columbia Gorge.
We envision the Columbia Gorge as a thriving community for artists, performers, and audiences, where everyone can be engaged in a diverse range of creative opportunities.
Columbia Arts Values:
• Artists, performers, and arts appreciators
• Supporters of the arts, both donors and volunteers
• Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion
• Partnership with other organizations and individuals
• Mutual respect and trust
• Thoughtful decision making
• Good stewardship of our resources: building, financial and human.
• Truth, transparency, and open communication
• Opportunities for artists and performers to become more skilled
• Readily available, quality space for arts exploration, expression, and practice
• Access to the arts for all ages and all families
• Board, staff, and volunteers being representative of the local community.
• Advocacy, action, and engagement
Columbia Center for the Arts is dedicated to offering a wide range of opportunities for students, artists, and audiences to engage with the arts and with the local community. We operate a centrally located facility in Hood River, OR, that has space for fine art and a craft gallery for exhibiting the sale of visual artwork, a theatre/auditorium for performing arts, and multi-use spaces for educational arts programming.
In an effort to connect and benefit the arts community for all ages, backgrounds and all levels of experience. We value art-making as an essential part of a vibrant and healthy society.
CCA’s objective is to create a cultural destination in Hood River, OR, with facilities that enable the arts to thrive in the Columbia River Gorge. An additional goal is to draw a variety of artists and art groups from throughout the Pacific Northwest to not only enhance and improve the arts, but to help boost the region’s economy and quality of life.
CCA’s facility features a 1,700 square-foot gallery, a 136-fixed seat black box theatre, and a 700-square-foot multi-use studio/classroom space.
Executive Director – Tim Harkins
Program Manager, Events - Catherine Butler
Ella Wolter, Board Chair
Judie Hanel, Co-Chair
Cindy Walbridge – Secretary
Linda Floyd – Treasurer
Cynthia Yoshida
Robin Allen
Sarah Roth